Friday, 30 December 2022

Trattles ONS Review - Update 2022 Dec

 Trattles One Name Study Review - Update for the end of 2022:

I have almost completed my review of all Trattles Baptisms, Marriages and Burials up to 1850's.  This has involved mostly using 'Find My Past' (which holds all the Yorkshire Parish Records images) reviewing the actual source image and not just relying on transcripts.... which in many cases are not accurate.

** Interestingly I noticed that on 1/12/2022 Ancestry have published NYRO North Yorkshire Parish records with images, previously only available on FMP

My spreadsheet (I need a name for my list ;0) holds the following key data, and a lot more...

  • Individual Id number 
  • Individual Forenames and Surnames (Eg Trattles, Tratle, Trottle etc)
  • Event date (for either: birth, baptism, marriage banns, marriage, death, burial, civil registration)
    • Mostly records are for baptisms, marriages & burials
  • Likely YOB (year of birth)
  • Likely YOD (year of death)
  • District Parish (where event occurred)
  • Places mentioned in record (a bapt, marr or bur location did not necc mean that is where individual was from. Some records state where they actually were from or where spouse was from etc)
  • Family Group (my column to try and link records into individual families)
  • Father Name
  • Mother Name
  • Spouse Name
  • Marriage Witness Names
  • Age at event
  • Individual columns for source hyperlinks (eg FMP NYRO, FMP Tees Archives etc)

29th December I commenced entering all my records into a new Trattles Tree on Ancestry.

I had 2 choices:

  • Review and Update my existing tree (commenced over 15 years ago) 
  • or start from scratch
I decided to start from scratch. My original tree had so much "stuff", notes, emails, links that i had kept private as some were sensitive in nature.
It was also clear that I had some people linked to wrong families, mistakes made along the years, taken down wrong paths from incorrect transcriptions or wrong assumptions
I had not correctly sourced all my info, so making it difficult for me to justify why i believed an individual belonged to one family and not another.

So today (and no doubt for many months to come), I am now working on building my new tree.  I have added 60 records so far. 
My plan of action (so far):
  1. Add all Thomas and Robert "Trattles" Baptisms (include parent and location info if available)
  2. Fill in obvious family details for (no 1).,, (siblings, parents, locations etc)
  3. Link all sources (identify how will use sourcing consistently) for above records
  4. Add all Marske & Brotton records (I have already reviewed this group and have yet to publish my findings)......... and source!
  5. Add all Hinderwell records.... and re-attempt to sort that jigsaw out ;0)

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Trattles ONS Review - Update 2022 Dec

 Trattles One Name Study Review - Update for the end of 2022: I have almost completed my review of all Trattles Baptisms, Marriages and Buri...