Sunday 1 July 2012

ONS Update - 1841 transcribe and variants

It is now the 1st July 2012 - I have been Trattling for the last 4 weeks 0 but not intensively!  Currently I am creating spreadsheets with all census data.  I have been viewing a few other One Name Study Websites and this is ho they tend to make data available rather than just providing a family tree.
Have been comparing Find My Past v Ancestry transcriptions - am finding a fre transcription variants which include:  TRATTLE, FATTLE, HATTLE, TRATLES, TRATLE, TRATTEL, TRATTER, FERSTLER, SRATTLES, TREATTLES

Trattles ONS Review - Update 2022 Dec

 Trattles One Name Study Review - Update for the end of 2022: I have almost completed my review of all Trattles Baptisms, Marriages and Buri...